I understand that respect is the cornerstone of all positive relationships. I will demonstrate this virtue by treating others with dignity and compassion, by using my gifts and talents for good, and by being sensitive to the needs of those around me.
The Nativity Prep Pledge
Working Together To Create Something Special
What makes Nativity different? Certainly it’s the extended school day, the student-faculty ratio, and the uniforms. But it’s also how everyone at Nativity works together to create a place where all can feel welcome and inspired—to create a Nativity family. To help achieve this, every morning our students recite the Nativity Student Pledge, including a promise to follow the five key virtues we aspire to.

I am a member of Nativity Preparatory Academy.
I am called to become all that God has created me to be. I know that if I believe that I can achieve, I will achieve. As a member of Nativity Prep I will strive to practice the five virtues:
I understand that I have a responsibility to God, my family, and my community. I demonstrate this virtue by holding myself accountable for my actions, by being thankful for the gifts I have been given, and by taking care of the people and places around me through both action and word.
I understand that I have been given much. I demonstrate the virtue of gratitude by being thankful to God for the many gifts of creation that surround me and for the many people who care about me and nurture me. I will show my gratitude in my words and my actions and by being a good steward of what has been given to me.
I understand that I am always in the holy presence of God. I demonstrate this virtue by offering my struggles and my success to Him. Through a constant reflection on my life, I come to know myself and God more fully and to understand His role for me in the world.
I understand that scholarship is the pursuit of knowledge through study and reflection. I demonstrate this virtue by treating all of my experiences as an opportunity for growth. I am committed to making myself a more thoughtful, intellectual person.